Tuesday 27 September 2011


I think it would be fair to say that cinema is to Alan Moore what the wood chipper was to Steve Buscemi in Fargo. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, V for Vendetta, and particularly Watchmen have shown that you can produce a work from the same components, and yet misses the point of the novels entirely. However, in From Hell, we see that you can take the finest steak, and, even when it’s minced up, produce a perfectly serviceable hamburger. Read the rest at filmwerk.co.uk

Monday 26 September 2011


Looking back at this Summer’s blockbusters, with the tent pole releases of Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger, and looking forward to next year’s ludicrously star-filled The Avengers, it can be hard to remember a time before Marvel’s range of comic-book characters dominated Hollywood’s major releases. But every journey has to start somewhere, and before ever Spider-Man, Blade or the Men in Black could make it to the big screen, Marvel’s cinematic origins were far more feathered than feared. Read the rest at filmwerk.co.uk


To say I was dragged kicking and screaming to see The Last Airbender would be an overstatement. Whilst it wasn’t my choice to see the film, I went in with an open mind, hoping that M Night Shyamalan would prove the detractors wrong and produce an entertaining Summer blockbuster. After all, Shyamalan was responsible for The Sixth Sense, and the more underappreciated Unbreakable and Signs, so despite the panned The Lady in the Water and the turgid The Happening he is capable of making quality films. Sadly, it was less than ten minutes in that I realised that this was going to be no comeback. Read the rest at filmwerk.co.uk

Thursday 21 October 2010

It Is Purpose That Guides Us

Welcome to the blog!

Some of you may well be here because of my other blog, and so could be a little perplexed as to why I have felt the need to start another. Politics, atheism and feminism are perhaps not entirely removed from film criticism, but they are not always the most immediately obvious bedfellows.

Well, there are a few reasons. Firstly, I am a big film fan, but my other blog doesn't seem quite the place for it. Perhaps more importantly, I am currently in the midst of a film module for my degree, with another to come in the New Year. Blog posts form part of this course, and, if nothing else, it is good to get into practice.

See you all soon.